There are hundreds of charms available representing all kinds of personal interests ... hobbies, sports, occupations, music, food, home, pets, nature, garden, religion, events, holidays, places, etc. Let me know what you're interested in, and I'll search for the charms you want to include on your custom jewelry.
Ginger Dee works at a hospital and school, and the colors for both organizations are blue and yellow. Ginger asked for jewelry in those colors. At top is her cute charm bracelet of Swarovski crystals in blues and yellows, with intermittent dangling crystals. The necklace below it has her name spelled out around it in oval letter beads of pewter. I added other shades of blues and greens to blend the colors harmoniously. The bottom necklace uses sterling silver cube letters, followed by three crystals, and the rest of the strand (not visible) is made of sterling silver beads. Now Ginger has a beautiful way to show her spirit and her name at work.
Theresa's gift for Lillyanne, her new little niece, is a handmade necklace featuring Lillyanne's name in sterling silver rounded cubes at front, followed by lavender and purple crystals. Here is Lillyanne, posing with her Mommy, both looking beautiful. Lillyanne's necklace is long enough that she'll be able to grow into it and wear it for some years to come.